Homemade Blueberry Sauce

Here’s my go-to blueberry sauce recipe – absolutely delicious! 😁 Blueberry Sauce {lightly adapted from the Blueberry Sauce recipe in The Professional Pastry Chef cookbook by Bo Friberg} 1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup apple juice 2 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1½ cups (or more) fresh or frozen blueberries Place sugar and juice […]

Blueberry Picking

Haven’t really gone anywhere since end of March other than to the grocery stores when necessary, we took the opportunity to visit a local farm to pick our own blueberries last weekend. ❤️

Macaroni Salad and Fried Chicken

I am so in the mood for warmer weather, not that I ever need an excuse to eat fried chicken. 😉 Dig in! Recipe for the macaroni salad can be found in the Macaroni Salad and Grilled Soy Sauce Pork post while the extremely simple fried chicken marinade is listed below: Approximately 2 pounds chicken […]

Cranberry-Pistachio Biscotti

After having tried multiple biscotti recipes over the years, this one is hands-down my favorite. The biscotti itself is firm after the second bake (as it should be) but not rock hard and hence, can be indulged as is, which is something I love to do! They are soooooo delicious!!! Enjoy! Slightly adapted from the […]

Cajun Spiced Salmon with Green Beans and Rice Pilaf

Lunch was simple and delicious today! Here’s our short-cut, lazy method that yields moist and tender salmon: Preheat oven to 375°F. Place frozen salmon fillets (do not have to thaw) in a sheet pan lined with aluminum foil. Coat with a couple tablespoons oil and season with Cajun (or Creole) seasoning. Even if oven has […]

Malaysian Durian

It had been a long time since I had a decent durian. Hence, I couldn’t resist when I saw a good-looking batch of Mao Shan Wang durian at an Asian store in downtown Cleveland. Paid about $20 for a tiny one but absolutely worth it! The flesh was thick and creamy and had a delicious, […]

Easy Chinese Shrimp Stir Fry

Some days, it is soooooooo hard to figure out what to have for dinner – I generally prefer to eat home-cooked food but after a full day at work, I am not too keen in spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Thankfully, tonight I am craving a dish that reminds me of home […]