“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” ~Proverbs 17:22~
Wrist Surgery

Here’s one for the record – had my very first surgery last week. And since it was my first, I was ABSOLUTELY terrified but the surgery went well as expected (at least, that’s what my surgeon said :D). Before I was rendered unconscious, I did manage to ask the anesthesiologist to confirm that I’ll wake up […]
Picking Blueberries

It has been a while since Keith and I last watched a good movie…one where neither of us would fall asleep on the couch halfway through. :D Since we don’t ever keep up with new movie releases, picking a good show is always a toss-up. However, I think we may have hit a jackpot last night with the movie “Real Steel.” Both of us thought it was one […]
Yikes! It’s Hot

Boy, it was a scorcher today. Our outdoor thermometer was showing 110 degrees this afternoon, and we must have been out of our minds because we actually ventured out into the heat. :D We hit downtown Cleveland to tour the Veterans Memorial Bridge and the old subway below. We saw trolley cars, old tracks plus we had an awesome view […]
Happy Summer

Whew! It has been hot, hot, hot these past couple of weeks and the storms kept missing us (not that I’m complaining since I would rather not have destruction all around just to get some rain). So on top of the extreme heat, we are super dry as well. After having barely any rain for about a month now, […]
In Loving Memory of Max

We recently lost our beloved pet and unconditional best friend of almost 15 years…
Lego Poem

Came across a poem that Alex wrote last year (I think) with a little help from me and if I remember correctly, it was his first attempt in constructing a poem. Here it is: I Love Lego Lego comes in lots of sizes, shapes, and colors. Lego feels hard, smooth, and bumpy. Lego costs lots of […]
Our Easter Meal

Last week was a whirlwind…my sis, brother-in-law, and niece came for a visit and time just flew by. We had a wonderful time and not surprisingly, the food tasted even better with great company. Here’s what we had for our Easter meal – ham, scalloped potatoes, steamed peas, and homemade bread. :D
My First Glasses

Do you remember back in those teenage years when you felt that your friends were your life, and you wanted to do whatever they did and have whatever they had? And when your parents asked you, “If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?”, you refrained from answering because you knew that the answer you […]
Our New Piano

After scouring Craigslist for months, we finally found a piano for Alex about three weeks ago. However, before he could play on it, we had to have the piano repaired, cleaned, and tuned. A couple of the repairs were actually unexpected at the time of purchase (which resulted in additional costs) but our piano tuner did an […]