At the place where Alex goes for therapy, he’s constantly challenged by new experiences. Here, he was being exposed to a visiting bird – new experiences and sensations can be a major anxiety issue for Alex but I think he actually enjoyed this particular experience (at least that’s what he told me). :D

Early this morning, we were awakened by Darwin barking at the other end of our house. Our immediate thought was that maybe he got stuck behind one of our sofas and was barking to get our attention. Instead, Keith found him in our family room, barking at the wall. For some reason, that action distresses me more […]
Our Christmas

We had a busy time prepping for Christmas this year (or should I say last year), which should be pretty evident from the obvious lack of blogging between Thanksgiving and now. :D My sis and her family celebrated Christmas with us and so did my in-laws (Keith’s parents). We had an awesome time, albeit exhausting for everyone I’m sure […]
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow! It was a gorgeous day today! I think we might just have officially used up our quota of good days for the year. :D Since we opted not to cook a big Thanksgiving meal (which we will be doing at Christmas instead), we decided to use our free time to visit the Cleveland Metroparks […]
A Fall Morning at the Park

We have been plagued with so much rain this fall. Fortunately, we managed to catch a little break last Sunday morning – it was warm and sunny (and windy too!). Although we had chores galore, we decided to put them off until the afternoon so we could check out the gorgeous fall colors at our local park. […]
Fall Fun

Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day. Rain, rain, go away, Little Alex wants to play. Well, what do ya know? It worked! :D We had rain every day this past week except Thursday. Alex had just started to feel better from being sick and since it was a gorgeous day (not a cloud […]

We signed Alex up for art lessons this year. So far, he has had four classes and seemed to really enjoy them. Here’s a painting that he did last week, where he learned to use complimentary colors. Love it! Today, the kids actually worked with clay and Alex decided to make a treasure chest. Can’t […]
Flea Market

Went to a flea market last weekend and had a fun time looking through all the odds and ends…you know what they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. :D Thanks for coming with me, Amy!

Here’s a quick and simple art project that Alex did recently – he drew a picture of a heron (instructions are in the Big Backyard magazine, issue June/July 2012) on a pre-made card, and colored it with markers. This special card went to Grammy and Grandpa. :D And here’s a picture I took a while […]