It has been a while again and since the last time I checked in, I’ve completed my internship, graduated, and am officially a full-time librarian! :) Life has been insane, of course, with hardly any free time to do much of anything else other than tackling the usual life responsibilities but nevertheless, we are thankful […]
Our Thanksgiving Meal

Here are some photos of our simple but oh so delicious Thanksgiving meal. We ate around noon since there wasn’t much prep involved. Just had to heat the ham and scalloped potatoes, cook the green beans, and the rest was essentially done. And boy, did we thoroughly enjoy our meal! Hope you all did as well. […]
Happy Thanksgiving!

We’re spending Thanksgiving by ourselves again this year. As much as we’ll miss being with family and friends, we’re hoping to make up for it by having a totally relaxing day tomorrow. Last year, we actually had a beautiful (and warm) Thanksgiving day and we got to spend it at the zoo. However, I don’t think that will be happening […]
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow! It was a gorgeous day today! I think we might just have officially used up our quota of good days for the year. :D Since we opted not to cook a big Thanksgiving meal (which we will be doing at Christmas instead), we decided to use our free time to visit the Cleveland Metroparks […]
Thanksgiving Meal
It still hasn’t quite set in that Thanksgiving has come and gone but I know we had our Thanksgiving meal. In fact, the leftovers are all gone!!! :-D I had initially planned on making roast duck for Thanksgiving dinner. I even bought the duck a couple of weeks ahead but wouldn’t you know it, I […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing everyone health, happiness, and the comfort of loved ones this Thanksgiving. Enjoy the turkey! :-D
Thanksgiving with Family
This year, we packed up the kiddo and the doggies and drove out to my in-laws to spend Thanksgiving with them. The drive itself felt sooooo… long (I’m getting old) :) but we had a wonderful time with family. Below are a few pictures of our trip. Enjoy!
Our Thanksgiving Dinner
We wanted a quick, no-fuss thanksgiving meal as we would rather spend time with each other than slave around the kitchen for hours. This meal was put together in three hours, which included broiled turkey wings, cranberry sauce, skillet-braised green beans, mashed potatoes, all-purpose gravy, and Pillsbury Grands frozen buttermilk biscuits (not in the pictures). Everything […]