The dahlias at Ransom Sage Farm were absolutely beautiful!
Fall Pick Your Own Fruits

Prior to making the apple cake in the last post, Keith and I had so much fun picking our own apples at a local farm (the apples were sooooooo delicious!). We also picked raspberries (we were surprised to find raspberries this late in the year) and Concord grapes, and cut a bouquet of gorgeous dahlias. […]
Summer Blooms

Our garden is in full bloom right now (so beautiful!) but unfortunately, Japanese beetles are devouring the coneflowers! 🪲😕
Common Milkweed

Although common milkweed can be found throughout Ohio, it was actually my first time seeing the flowers up close and personal. How absolutely beautiful they are! ❤️
Beautiful Peonies

One of my peony plants is in full bloom and it looks like my latest peony addition produces flowers with only a single layer of petals. Love them both! A special message to my father-in-law – Happy Birthday, Dad! We love you lots! ❤️❤️❤️
More Flowers

Currently, we have various lovely irises blooming and surprisingly, we found a small clump of beautiful alliums in one of our flower beds – thank you so much, Mr. Squirrel, lol.
Spring Flowers

Here are a few photos of the daffodils and hyacinths that were blooming oh so prettily in our garden earlier this spring. ❤️
Happy Easter!

What a gorgeous day! Happy Easter to everyone who is celebrating. Here’s one extremely belated post – on the day (back in late February) when Keith bought me the miniature orchid, he bought hydroponic tulips as well, knowing that my favorite spring flowers are tulips. It was a little underwhelming at first, hahaha because they […]
Beautiful Orchids

So, last Saturday, I told Keith that I think he needs to surprise me with something when he runs his errands today. 😂 He declared that he always keeps his eyes open for things for me but they never meet my criteria, hahaha because my criteria are they have to be inexpensive (because I don’t […]