Kirkland Signature Low Sodium Bacon is the ultimate deliciousness!!! I could snack on it all day long. Someone hide the bacon, please!
Pantry Ingredients
Our Thanksgiving Meal

Here are some photos of our simple but oh so delicious Thanksgiving meal. We ate around noon since there wasn’t much prep involved. Just had to heat the ham and scalloped potatoes, cook the green beans, and the rest was essentially done. And boy, did we thoroughly enjoy our meal! Hope you all did as well. […]
Boiled Cider

This came about from my quest of trying to infuse more flavor in an apple cake without using spices. I considered using apple cider to replace part or all of the liquid in an adapted recipe. Then, I thought why not take it one step further and concentrate the apple cider to get a more intense flavor. […]
Homemade Pandan Paste

When baking with pandan, I would normally use store-bought pandan paste instead of freshly-squeezed pandan juice. This is because fresh pandan leaves are not available here and often times, the frozen pandan leaves that can be found in most Asian stores are of such subpar quality that they are just not worth using. Once in a blue moon however, I might be able to get decent frozen pandan leaves (ones that haven’t […]
Quick Spaghetti and Meatballs

Where does the time go? We ask that question a lot in this house. :D To prepare a quick meal, I sometimes resort to pre-cooked/instant ingredients to help reduce cooking time. I am picky about the quality and taste though, so not a lot of these ingredients make it to my kitchen and stay there. Here’s a favorite dish […]
Maggi Mee Asam Laksa

Since we’ve finished all our leftovers, Keith and I decided it’s time to start in on our Maggi stash that my sis brought for us all the way from Toronto. :D Now, there is this funny thing that happens to me almost every time I think of Maggi – the old commercial jingle would start to dance […]
Our Easter Meal

Last week was a whirlwind…my sis, brother-in-law, and niece came for a visit and time just flew by. We had a wonderful time and not surprisingly, the food tasted even better with great company. Here’s what we had for our Easter meal – ham, scalloped potatoes, steamed peas, and homemade bread. :D
Blackened Fish

So, a couple of days ago, I learned that the first day of Chinese New Year this year will fall on January 23rd. My first thought was “Oh, another year of not celebrating it with my family (back in Malaysia)” which immediately made me feel homesick. My next thought was “But I haven’t recovered from the […]
“Frying” Ikan Bilis (Anchovies) in the Microwave!

Recently, I came across a really ingenious tip – frying anchovies in the microwave. I admit I was a little skeptical of this cooking method at first. I mean I like my anchovies really crispy and I was doubtful that the microwave could turn out really crispy anchovies, ones that are comparable to the traditional […]