About a couple of weeks ago, I had lost my mind when I decided to make pineapple tarts when it’s not even Chinese New Year. It’s not that they are only eaten during Chinese New Year but I typically reserved making them for special occasions because holy moly, they are so tedious and time-consuming to […]
Cashew Cookies

As much as I love pineapple tarts and kuih bangkit, they are so time-consuming to make. Thankfully, I love these cashew cookies as well and they are much easier and faster to churn out! Delicious! Recipe can be found here at a previous post.
Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

We first encountered the original version last Christmas when we were gifted the cookies by our wonderful friends down the street. Every bite was an indulgence that I just had to ask Liz if I can have the recipe and she directed me to Smitten Kitchen. Here, I adapted the recipe slightly to what is […]
Cashew Cookies Baking Marathon

Had a cashew cookies baking marathon Friday evening, right after work and a quick dinner and we’ve been enjoying these delicious morsels with my favorite Fig Leaf coffee since then. Pure bliss! ❤️ Recipe can be found here in a prior post.
Chinese New Year Peanut Cookies

So, I conducted an experiment yesterday – I tested two different gluten-free flours and compared the results with cookies made from regular wheat flour and now, we are inundated with peanut cookies galore, lol. The first gluten-free flour I used was the Authentic Foods Multi-Blend Flour. I have had so much success with utilizing Authentic […]
Kuih Bangkit

Finally, I have success making my favorite Chinese New Year cookie! I wasn’t sure if I could have ever done it in my lifetime, lol – the recipe seems so simple but yet, extremely complicated at the same time. The list of ingredients is short but there are so many variables in the process and […]
Garden Cream Wafers – Coconut Flavor

Light, crispy, and delicious, and most importantly, not too sweet! What’s not to like? Lol
Cashew Cookies

These melt-in-your-mouth, heavenly little morsels are simply irresistible and are extremely easy to make. Not only that, I love that it’s dairy free which means I can indulge. :) Delicious! Recipe is originally from another fellow blogger – Little Corner of Mine. Here, I doubled the recipe and provided the instructions in my own words. […]
Scrumptious Chocolate Layer Bars

This winter has been rough on all of us, health wise. Both Keith and Alex had the flu, which turned into pneumonia for Alex! I am still recovering from a bout of intestinal virus I caught more than a week ago although it would seem I have managed to fend off the insidious flu that […]
Brown Sugar Meringue Kisses

Today is supposedly “balmy” with a high of 18°F (that is approximately -8 Celsius, by the way). Despite the higher temp in comparison to the past week, it does not feel warmer at all! Additionally, a new batch of bitter Arctic air is heading our way, which is expected to plunge us back to the […]