Hello, everyone! It has been a while again – too many things have happened since the last time I checked in. A week after we discovered ice damage in our family room, we found the same problem in one of our bedrooms! So, we’ve been dealing with on-going repairs of these two rooms for more […]
Apple Cheddar Muffins

Alex has been sick twice now in two weeks and is in fact, still recovering at the moment. Today is day six of the second round and I think he’s finally reaching the point where he can’t stand being sick anymore. He told Keith and me tonight that he needs to get better. Believe me […]
Apple Pancakes with Apple Maple Syrup

Happy Fall!!! It’s apple and pumpkin season! We have a couple of orchards just down the street where we live and are taking full advantage of all those fresh apples. Here’s a couple of super-easy and delicious recipes to add to your collection. Enjoy! On a personal note, the pain of losing Cyber is finally […]
Apple Upside-Down Cake

Keith and I have gone through two cakes (and I don’t mean slices) and are now cutting into our third one in just four days. I mean somebody has to try them to make sure they are good before I actually post the recipe, right? :D Since it is apple season, I wanted to make an apple dish but without using any […]
Easy Rustic Apple Tart

Wow! It has been a crazy week. I feel like I was constantly on the go that all my days this week seemed to blur together. In fact, last Friday feels like just two days ago. Is that good or bad? On top of that, we had a couple of gorgeous (I mean really awesome) days […]
Apple-Cranberry Pie
This is my fourth pie in eight years, my second in a week. The first 2 times were a flop…let’s not even go there. The last pie turned out pretty delicious actually but unfortunately, it wasn’t a pretty sight to behold after it was cut – the filling did not stay within the crust but […]
Applesauce Cake
There was a reason why I finally decided to make my own applesauce after all this time – I had a “baking date” with a girlfriend last Saturday and we wanted to make something with apples to take advantage of the season. :-) We decided on the Applesauce Cake recipe (from the Martha Stewart website), which […]
Homemade Applesauce
I’m almost embarrassed to admit that after living here for more than 10 years and with an apple orchard five minutes down the street, I have never made applesauce from scratch before until now. There wasn’t really any reason to – applesauce can easily be found in stores and is not expensive to purchase…so why […]