Wishing family and friends a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year! May the Year of the Ox bring you happiness, luck, and good fortune. Love, Chris, Keith, and Alex

You know, there is no shame in admitting that there are certain foods you just can’t replicate at home. :) For me, that’s Chinese-style pastries……and it’s so hard to find good ones here. To my local friends, CAM carries this brand of hopia that I find to be absolutely delicious – flaky, tender, not too […]

Came across this passage on Facebook – love it! Note: photo is my own from a couple of years ago…..looking forward to spring! “Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water. Lay your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm. […]
Chinese New Year Decorations

When I was young, I used to think Chinese New Year decorations were so gaudy (I guess I still do but to a lesser degree), lol! But look at me now – we just replaced the Christmas wreath on our front door with this last weekend and I’m hoping to get some lanterns up soon. […]
Frying Keropok

Keropok + Acar = Happiness! How can I not fry up some? But honestly, like I need an excuse to fry something, lol. In this case, there’s just something satisfying about watching the pieces expand to delicious crispiness! ❤️
Making Acar Timun

Yes, I admit that I am a glutton for punishment. After making what seemed like gazillion cashew cookies (sold some of them), I proceeded to make an impromptu decision yesterday to make acar timun, a Malaysian-style spicy pickled cucumber Chinese New Year treat. Typically, we eat this like a dip with keropok udang (shrimp crackers). […]
Cashew Cookies Baking Marathon

Had a cashew cookies baking marathon Friday evening, right after work and a quick dinner and we’ve been enjoying these delicious morsels with my favorite Fig Leaf coffee since then. Pure bliss! ❤️ Recipe can be found here in a prior post.
Mung Bean in Coconut Cream Dessert

Absolutely simple and delicious on a cold winter’s night and it all came about because I had leftover coconut cream in the fridge to use up. :) Happy February! 1 cup mung beans, rinsed 4 cups water 2 pandan leaves, rinsed, raked, and knotted (optional) 1 cup unsweetened coconut cream* Gula Jawa/coconut sugar to taste […]
Cinnamon Rolls

Came across this unusual cinnamon roll recipe in The Fannie Farmer Cookbook where the cinnamon is incorporated inside the dough rather than as a filling. This fascinated me, so I decided to make them to find out what they would be like. In full disclosure, I did change the entire way the dough is prepped […]
Happy Weekend!

It’s Friday! Yay! My hygge for a cold winter evening – snuggled under a warm blanket on the couch with a classic! Lol. Have a wonderful weekend! It’ll be a short weekend for me since I’m working tomorrow but I can’t complain since I had Monday off. :)