This was lightly adapted from my ube chiffon cake recipe. Since I was planning to bake it in a 9” x 13” dish, I knew I didn’t have to worry too much about the batter being too heavy for the pan like when I baked the chiffon version. Hence, I upped the ube powder slightly […]
More Flowers

Currently, we have various lovely irises blooming and surprisingly, we found a small clump of beautiful alliums in one of our flower beds – thank you so much, Mr. Squirrel, lol.
Holden Arboretum

Here’s another place we visited during Alex’s spring break – the famed Holden Arboretum! We viewed the Patrick Dougherty’s Stickwork sculpture (so cool!), climbed the Emergent Tower, and strolled through the Canopy Walk. As always, there was too much to explore in one visit. We’ll be back! 😁
Spring Flowers

Here are a few photos of the daffodils and hyacinths that were blooming oh so prettily in our garden earlier this spring. ❤️
Headlands Beach State Park

These photos were taken during Alex’s spring break – it was another beautiful day! Of course, we had to drag Alex out of the house again, lol…..this time, to the beach where he and Keith spent most of the time skipping rocks. ❤️
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Our Easter Meal

Rather than the usual ham and scalloped potatoes meal we usually have for Easter, we made laksa instead – it was delicious, as always! ❤️
Liberty Park

Here’s a belated post – it was an absolutely beautiful day on Easter and it felt like all of Northeast Ohioans were out. For us, we dragged Alex out and hiked the Ledges Trail at Liberty Park in Summit County. After we were done, he mentioned that he enjoyed the hike after all. 😁
Penitentiary Glen Reservation

The closest I have ever been to a bald eagle – what a majestic creature! This guy was injured when he was a juvenile and even after his wing recovered, he could no longer fly. He made some high-pitch sound after noticing a couple of turkey vultures flying free around the area…..I feel so sad […]
Happy Easter!

What a gorgeous day! Happy Easter to everyone who is celebrating. Here’s one extremely belated post – on the day (back in late February) when Keith bought me the miniature orchid, he bought hydroponic tulips as well, knowing that my favorite spring flowers are tulips. It was a little underwhelming at first, hahaha because they […]
Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

We first encountered the original version last Christmas when we were gifted the cookies by our wonderful friends down the street. Every bite was an indulgence that I just had to ask Liz if I can have the recipe and she directed me to Smitten Kitchen. Here, I adapted the recipe slightly to what is […]