Had Foochow chicken mushroom soup with somen/mee suah for lunch. Soooooo delicious! Click here for the recipe. :)
What’s Cooking
Ham Fried Rice
Ham, ham, and more ham! The problem with having ham for a holiday meal is that there is always sooooooooooo much leftover and one would have to keep thinking of different ways to use it. Here’s an easy option for those of you looking to do something slightly different than your typical leftover ham sandwich. […]
Cranberry Wheat Bread
As I was planning our Thanksgiving meal the other day, I told Keith I would make our favorite cranberry bread as one of the side dishes. Almost immediately after he agreed, I thought out loud and said that maybe I should make some other bread instead because I tend to make the same bread for […]
The Not So Classic Pumpkin Pie
Update (11/24/17): It’s a winner! The pie turned out delicious – the flavor of the pumpkin layer is reminiscent of warm pumpkin custard (without the spices), which complements the brightness of the creamy cheesecake layer. In addition, the contrast between the layers is distinct and attractive. We love it! (I ate two slices!) Turkey day […]
Easy and Delicious Sliders
I saw a similar recipe a while back but did not give it a try until a couple of months ago when I was reminded by a co-worker. Since then, I have made my version of this recipe multiple times because it is so ridiculously easy that I’m not sure it should even be considered a […]
Favorite Mac and Cheese
It’s getting colder and grayer – I knew we would be paying for all those gorgeous, blue sky days. Seriously, I do love fall…it’s just that I know what will be coming next…the dreaded season that starts with “w.” Why can’t winter just be around during the week, you know, and then every weekend, we […]
4 Ingredient Sweet Corn Ice Cream
Too many things have been going on in our lives! The biggest news is I’m officially not a homeschooling mama anymore. You would think I would take the opportunity to do the gazillion things that I wasn’t able to do in the past due to lack of time. However, my heart is just not into […]
Malaysian Laksa
We celebrated Alex’s 12th birthday recently. 12!!! Sob! Where did my baby go? He has grown into a young man, apparently. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it before but Alex is on the Autism spectrum and it has been a long road to help get him to where he is right now. He has […]
Summery Watermelon Basil Drink
Looks like we are finally going to get some sun for the rest of the week after countless days of rain. Yay! Currently, I’m recuperating from a wrist surgery that I had just yesterday, and it’s only uh, one day after the surgery, and I’m ready to tear the wrap off! Not only that, I’m […]
Stir-Fried Noodles with Shrimp
Looks like it has been a while again since the last time I checked in. Too many things are going on in our lives right now – worrisome things, depressing things, but thank goodness some happy things as well. I guess that’s just life – you take the bad with the good and somehow, things […]