Absolutely gorgeous place to visit if you are ever in the area! ❤️
Chive Blossoms

It has been unusually chilly and wet lately but the chives are doing fantastic in our garden! Not only do they taste delicious, they look beautiful as well! ❤️
Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day, everyone! Here’s another gorgeous flowering tree where I work. ❤️
Wildwood Park

Yesterday morning, we were in the area and took the opportunity to stop at Wildwood Park, which is located next to Lake Erie. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! I could definitely live right by the beach! ❤️
Metal Rooster

Went to a local garden center recently and saw this handsome guy! Caught my eye immediately! ❤️
Flowering Dogwood

There is a dogwood tree where I work that is blooming right now and it is filled with such beautiful flowers! ❤️
Geauga County Maple Festival

Submitted my final paper yesterday, yay! The following photos were actually taken the prior week when I should have been working on my last paper but my brain was not cooperating! So I took a short break and we went to the maple festival! Of course, the first place we headed for is the tent […]
Beautiful Daffodils

While I love tulips, I only have spring-blooming daffodils and (one lone patch of) hyacinths in my garden right now…..and that’s because the deer that pass by frequently love tulips even more than I do! :) All these daffodils were given by my mom-in-law over the years…..we just plopped them into the ground, and voilà, […]
After a Snowstorm

It’s always so beautiful after a snowstorm and it is one my favorite times to hike in, if not for the wind and the low temp. ❤️