Haven’t really gone anywhere since end of March other than to the grocery stores when necessary, we took the opportunity to visit a local farm to pick our own blueberries last weekend. ❤️
Is Spring Finally Here?

Just a small clump of crocuses outside my work place but it lifted the spirits of everyone who saw it, signaling that spring is indeed near. ❤️
- Life
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Happy Thanksgiving!

It has been a while again and since the last time I checked in, I’ve completed my internship, graduated, and am officially a full-time librarian! :) Life has been insane, of course, with hardly any free time to do much of anything else other than tackling the usual life responsibilities but nevertheless, we are thankful […]
Beautiful Butterflies

Our garden is currently in full bloom and is attracting all sorts of flying insects including butterflies! We get mainly the Eastern Tiger Swallowtails and the Monarchs. The Monarchs are extremely skittish though (unlike the swallowtails)…..I can’t get too near to take photos of them. We have also seen hummingbirds but they are simply too […]
Flowers Everywhere!

These are the flower beds in our front yard. The coneflowers and bee balms are massive this year – almost as tall as my shoulder! Might be time to divide the plants again – looks like they are outgrowing their space! 😳
Beautiful Daisies

This border of Shasta daisy in our backyard was created just a couple of years ago. We divided the daisies from our front yard and replanted small clumps of them here – look at how much they have grown and filled the space! ❤️