The Easter bunnies stayed up late last night to prepare today’s egg hunt. :)
Happy Chinese New Year!

Being super-busy with our daily lives, I decided to put off making any Chinese New Year treats until this past weekend. Not that last weekend would have been any better (time-wise) since I work both Saturday and Sunday every week but I was determined. Then, I got sick (of course) and that was the end […]
Happy New Year!

“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” ~Francis of Assisi~
Edible Runner

Okay, here’s the bad news – there are no pictures from our Christmas dinner this year. We were too busy diving in, enjoying our food and each other’s company. The good news is that everything turned out absolutely delicious. The turkey was perfect once again (you can check out the previously posted recipe and photos here). For the sides, instead of the traditional […]
Christmas Cards

Every Christmas, I’ll have Alex make a few cards for those special people in his life. Although he grumbles and complains about the actual work, I know that ultimately, it gives him immense satisfaction to know that he makes the recipients extremely happy. I purchase blank cards from art supply or craft stores (5″x7″ is a good size) and […]
Reindeer Noses

Here I was, scrambling the evening before the last day of our homeschooling group (we break for the holidays), wondering what simple treats we can make for the kiddos in Alex’s class. In came Google to save the day. :D We found these too adorable for words Reindeer Noses treats…no baking involved…whew! Made a quick trip to a couple of stores to get the […]
Santa’s Key

There is actually a story behind this key. This Christmas, we decided to let Alex pick out an ornament to add to our Christmas tree. We took him to a local garden center which is transformed into a winter wonderland store every Christmas. Of the many, many, many decorations there, he decided on this Santa’s […]

For the past several years, I have been dressing our Christmas tree essentially the same way. Commenting on that fact to a co-worker who is also a very dear friend of mine, she responded, “Chris, that is what tradition is all about. ” And here I thought I was just being cheap. :D I mean all […]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Christmas really snuck up on us this year. In fact, on Christmas Eve, I still couldn’t quite believe that Christmas would actually be the next day! Although we were busy till the very last minute, the actual Christmas day proved to be a quiet one. We are hoping though that things will perk up a […]
Our Thanksgiving Meal

Here are some photos of our simple but oh so delicious Thanksgiving meal. We ate around noon since there wasn’t much prep involved. Just had to heat the ham and scalloped potatoes, cook the green beans, and the rest was essentially done. And boy, did we thoroughly enjoy our meal! Hope you all did as well. […]