4 Ingredient Sweet Corn Ice Cream


Too many things have been going on in our lives! The biggest news is I’m officially not a homeschooling mama anymore. You would think I would take the opportunity to do the gazillion things that I wasn’t able to do in the past due to lack of time. However, my heart is just not into anything right now. I’m consumed with worries (daily) on how Alex is coping in school. So far, he’s doing great. We couldn’t speak highly enough of the teachers and the support we’ve been getting from the school overall. So hopefully in time, I’ll be able to function like a normal human being again. :)

We finally got our extreme summer weather this past week, and I think I can say for everyone that we are all looking forward to the cooler weather that’s supposedly coming our way in a couple of days. Either way, fresh corn is still plentiful in our area and what better way to use it than to make one of my favorite childhood treats – sweet corn ice cream! Deliciously refreshing and full of corn flavor, you’ll never look at corn the same way ever again. Enjoy!


2 ears of corn
4 cups heavy cream, or 2 cups half and half and 2 cups heavy cream
¾ cup sugar (or ⅔ cup if you prefer it a little less sweet)
Pinch of salt

Husk the corn and remove kernels from the cob (be careful not to cut the cob itself or you’ll pick up the tough, woody bits). Next, use the back of the knife and scrap the cob to get the rest of the corn pulp and the flavorful, milky liquid. Place the kernels, pulp, and milky liquid in a medium saucepan. Break the corn cob in half and add to the saucepan as well. Add 2 cups heavy cream (or if using the combination, add the half and half here), sugar, and salt. Bring mixture to a simmer over medium heat, and continue to simmer for another 8 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off heat, remove the corn cob and discard. Then, transfer the corn mixture to a bowl, cool, and refrigerate until really cold. Once cold, stir in the other 2 cups of heavy cream until evenly combined. Pour mixture into an ice cream maker and process according to the manufacturer’s directions. I have a Cuisinart, and I would turn the machine on first before pouring the corn mixture into the freezer bowl. The mixture will typically thicken into a soft, creamy consistency in about 20 minutes. You can enjoy the ice cream at this stage or transfer it to an airtight container and place in freezer for a firmer consistency. Yum!







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3 Replies to “4 Ingredient Sweet Corn Ice Cream”

  1. lizzygoodthings says: Reply

    Hi Chris, I love this… I hope you won’t mind if I prepare my take on your recipe at some stage and link back to you. xxx

    1. Hi Liz,

      Glad you love the sweet corn ice cream and you are welcome to do anything with the recipe. :) Any link back will definitely be appreciated. I just checked out your blog too and I love it! Will spend some time checking it out when I get a chance.

      1. lizzygoodthings says: Reply

        Thanks so much : )

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