Practicing Piano

Alex started taking piano lesson back in Fall 2010. We weren’t sure if he would like playing the piano enough to stick with it for the long term…we still aren’t sure but so far, he is thoroughly enjoying himself – we have to say that having a great teacher makes a huge difference (thank you so much Linda!). Here’s a couple of video clips of Alex practicing piano tonight. Enjoy.

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3 Replies to “Practicing Piano”

  1. Alex is so cute at the piano. If he enjoys it, let him go all the way through to the end. You must be a proud mum

    1. Thanks, Nasifriet. I am really proud of him. :D

  2. Les H (Grandpa) says: Reply

    Great job Alex!! You brought a smile to my face and a “wish I were there feeling”! Keep up the good work.

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